€ 699
6 Flaschen Clinet in der OHK Versandkosten 16,99 Paypal Freunde Jeff Leve „This was so good in the barrel, it is hard to believe that the wine improved from there. But isn't that what all great wines are supposed to do? Inky dark in color, the wine is equally dark on the palate with all of its decadently rich, sensually textured layers of black cherries, blackberries, black plums, and chocolate. The perfume, with its flowers, cocoa, espresso, licorice and truffle is off the hook! The finish, with its mild, salted endnote sticks with you for close to 60 seconds as it builds and expands, offering a fruit-drenched, hedonistic, non-stop thrill ride. Clearly, this is one of the best vintages of Clinet that Ronan Laborde has produced. Fans of the estate should be all over this because sooner rather than later prices can only rise from here!
€ 23
€ 100
€ 73
€ 50
€ 170
€ 179
€ 60
€ 180
€ 279
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